The Plague of Plagues By Ralph Venning

Posted: March 18, 2012 in Books by Author, Books by Title, Uncategorized

Click here for a copy: The Plague of Plagues

Now known as: “The Plague of PlaguesThe Sinfulness Of Sin”, by Ralph Venning
We cannot understand the Christian Gospel until we know what sin is. Yet modern secular counsellors urge us to ignore both the word and what it tells us about our rebellion against God and His law. Sadly, the church too often serves as an echo chamber for such cheap and short-sighted wisdom. Its literature spreads the message that all is well, but it is only when we begin to see our sinfulness that we are able to discover God’s forgiveness.

Although ‘The Sinfulness Of Sin’ was written three hundred years ago, it remains an oasis of truth in a desert of lies. First published in the aftermath of the Great Plague of London and entitled ‘Sin, The Plague of Plagues’, this book gives a crystal-clear explanation of what sin is, why it is so serious, and what we need to do about it. Here is reliable medicine for a fatal epidemic.

Synopsis: The doctrine of sin is a doctrine that pervades every part of the bible from Genesis to Revelation, and helps to shape and define every other aspect of biblical teaching. Without an understanding of the utter sinfulness of sin, redemption is not so great, grace is not so mighty, salvation is not so sweet, the work of the God-man is not so powerful. The need for an exhaustive treatment on the biblical teaching of the horrific extent of sin is, therefore, an eminently needful and salutary thing; and thankfully, that need has already been admirably fulfilled in Ralph Venning’s classic work, The Sinfulness of Sin.

 Review: The Sinfulness of Sin, by Ralph Venning

Reviewed by Nathan Pitchford

In modern Christianity it is neither appreciated nor very long tolerated to dwell on the ugly sinfulness of sin. One may speak of God’s “wonderful plan for your life” with impunity, and dwell on the pleasant gifts of the gospel with little fear of opposition or reprisal. But the gospel is not the gospel until sin is sin; and it is better not to heal people at all than to heal them lightly, and so blind them to their eternal jeopardy.

So why, in a culture in which it is not acceptable to dwell on sin, would it be advantageous to print a book that speaks of nothing but the doctrine of sin? I would suggest at least three reasons:

1. The great salvation which Christ freely offers to us in the gospel cannot be understood or received until sin is seen to be exceedingly sinful. It is primarily the glory of Christ’s redemptive work that he saves us, not just from physical afflictions, maladies, or oppression, but from our sin. In proportion as sin is minimized, the gospel is slighted and Jesus the Savior is reproached.

2. In modern Christianity, there is no doctrine so minimized and railed against than the doctrine of sin’s hyperbolic sinfulness. When the gnostics blasphemed against the doctrine of Christ’s coming in the flesh, the apostle John emphasized that doctrine in particular to the churches to whom he was writing; when the corrupt medieval church distorted beyond recognition the precious doctrine of justification, the reformers emphasized free justification by grace, through faith, as a result of double imputation. And today, when our sinful rebellion against God’s commandments is glossed over, and salvation is cast in terms of positive thinking, easy-believism, and so on, it is imperative that we emphasize the doctrine of sin’s exceeding sinfulness.

3. The doctrine of sin’s utter sinfulness and God’s terrible judgment of wrath has often been used to bring about times of great revival and refreshing. When the Ninevites repented, it was because of Jonah’s simple message that their city would be destroyed for their sins. When the Jews on the Day of Pentecost cried out for salvation, it was when they had been indicted with the terrible crime of crucifying the Son of God. When God’s Spirit moved in the hearts of thousands, during the days of the Great Awakening, it was largely through a sermon speaking of man’s great sin and God’s great wrath, Edwards’ famous “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”. So today, if we would see great blessing, we must first acknowledge in all its seriousness the great sinfulness of sin.

For these reasons and many more, what Venning undertakes is a project most necessary for us today. And so vastly beneficial a theme could scarcely have been broached with a greater exhaustiveness, a more trembling tearfulness, a more earnest zeal, a more passionate pleading with men’s souls, than Venning’s work is characterized by. May God bring its pages into the hands of a great many more Christians, professing or genuine, and burn its truths into their hearts. I can think of almost no writing extant today that might with more reason be ardently commended to a modern audience than The Sinfulness of Sin, by Ralph Venning.

  1. Billy says:

    Hi I’d like a copy of the book please!

  2. Rod Thomas says:

    yes please!

  3. ALLAN says:


    Please supply free pdf book.



  4. Pat Sarvis says:

    yes, i’d like a copy of the book. thanks

  5. ngm says:

    yes, i wish to receive a copy of this book.
    thank you so much

  6. Joe Owens says:

    I would like a copy please. Thank you very much for your service.

  7. I’d like to have a copy!

  8. BDiener says:

    I would love to have a copy of the book please. Thank you!

  9. Tilly says:

    Please send me the book. Thanks

  10. shan says:

    Yes, please send me this book, thank you.

  11. Anthony says:

    How is that when the Bible tells us that we are sinners we accept the critisim but when a loving brother points one out, we defend ourselves with vigour. What pityful sinners we are, who will save me from the body of death? I can’t wait for the return of Christ. In the mean time I must read this book and would love to have a soft copy.

  12. Tobie says:


    I would love to read and study this book. Please send me a copy.


  13. Maurice Espin says:

    Please send me a copy of The Plague of Plagues By Ralph Venning

    many thanks

  14. Neil Henry says:

    Please forward a copy to me…

  15. Mario Sprinkle says:

    Hi, I would like to receive a copy of this book please. Thank you

    • Hello Mario,

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      Enjoy the books we have attached. We look forward to your next selection tomorrow.

      Your friends at Search & Trace.

  16. raymond mentor says:

    please send me a copy ofp the plague of plagues

  17. Rodney April says:

    please send “sinfulness of sin in pdf form

  18. Rodney April says:

    please send “sinfulness of sin” ” plagues of plagues in ” in pdf form

  19. Mike Kritzinger says:

    Would love to read this book if u can forward to both email addresses thank you

  20. Marlene Thomas says:

    i would love to have a copy of the sinfulness of sin.(The plague of plagues)

  21. tamarra says:

    I request a copy of this please, many thanks

  22. Salvador says:

    Yes, please send

  23. Please can you send me a copy.

  24. Les Green says:

    Kindly send me Vening’s book on the plague of all plagues – The Sinfulness of Sin

  25. I would love to receive a free copy of this resource. Thanks!


  26. André says:

    please may i have a copy.

  27. Elroy Finck says:

    Please send a copy

  28. Allen George says:

    Glory to God for allowing us to have good,sound material in the church.

    • Hello Allen,

      We are happy to be able to serve you in this manner. Please send others to our website to be blessed by this ministry also.

      Because of the high number of requests we have to process in a day please only ask for a max of two books a day (see note on home page).

      Enjoy the books we have attached. We look forward to your next selection soon.

      Your friends at Search & Trace.

  29. Gershwin Nehemiah. says:

    Please forward a copy to me.

  30. Michael says:


    I would love to receive pdf book


  31. scott thames says:

    I will never catch up on reading. I make it a goal not to. Please send me a copy pf The Plague of Plagues.

  32. calvin says:

    Please send me a copy of this book

  33. Michelle says:

    Hi, plze send me a copy. Thank u

  34. Michelle says:

    hi, please send me a copy, thank u

  35. cristina says:

    Hello, can i have a copy please, thank you so much

  36. Stefan Malan says:

    Please send me this book. Thanks!

  37. karl walters says:

    karl walters says:
    Hello, can i have a copy please, thank you

  38. gavin marais says:

    would greatly appreciate a copy.

  39. Marie van der Watt says:

    Could you please send me this book.

    Thank you very much


  40. i’d love a copy of this book thanks!

  41. John Kim says:

    May I get a copy of this? Great to see your collection of Puritan writings!

  42. Nicole Stevens says:

    please forward me a copy of book.

  43. taicedric says:

    May I have a copy?

  44. lowell says:

    Hi! Could you please send me a copy?

  45. Meego Remmel says:

    I would really appreciate if you could send me the pdf copy of “The Sinfulness of Sin” by Ralph Venning.

  46. Quinton Timmes says:

    Please can i have a copy.

    God Bless


  47. Gordon Lobban says:

    As yet I~ have not read anything of Ralph Venning, although I have heard of him.
    If you would be so kind and send me a copy of this book. This is an absolutely key teaching of the scripture and clarity gives a better understanding of what ~Christ has done for us on the cross.

  48. egkerk says:

    The problem of the day

  49. Rod Thomas says:


  50. rg.guillermo says:

    Hi, this is a great help. Are the books available in MOBI?

  51. hi,
    can you please send me a copy?

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